- 幸运蛋:在30分钟可以获得双倍经验
- 熏香:30分钟内吸引精灵(凭空产生)
- 诱惑补丁:效果不明确
- 淘宝购买:简单方便,但需注意安全性。
- VN修改账号地区:可在国内充值。
- pokemongo商店:精灵球用完后可购买。
- VN修改工具下载:VN工具、谷歌商店、谷歌地图。
- 谷歌账号:需使用VPN注册。
- 新西兰区AppStore账号:可通过某宝购买。
- 下载精灵宝可梦Go中国版安装包:确保安全来源。
- 安装精灵宝可梦Go中国版:完成下载后安装。
- VN修改工具:伪装在国外,正常进入游戏。
- VN购买:购买一个澳大利亚或新西兰的AppStore账号。
- iPhone设置:进入设置,切换至澳洲区域。
- iCloud登录:使用澳洲区域账号登录iCloud。
- 下载精灵宝可梦Go:VN修改后即可在国内玩耍!
Pokemon Go China: The Ultimate Guide for Chinese Players!
The selection of the three starter Pokemon, compared to the initial test version, can now be chosen at the beginning. Just click on one of them to enter the capture screen. Personally, I recommend Squirtle and Bulbasaur as Charmander is quite rare and difficult to evolve and strengthen.
Shop Items:
- Lucky Egg: Doubles experience gained for 30 minutes.
- Incense: Attracts Pokemon for 30 minutes.
- Lure Patch: Unclear effect.
Auxiliary Information:
- Purchase on Taobao: Convenient but be cautious about safety.
- VPN modification of account region: Allows recharging in China.
- Pokemongo shop: Can purchase Pokeballs when running out.
VPN Modification of Account Region:
- Download VPN modification tools: VPN tool, Google Play Store, Google Maps.
- Google Account: Register using VPN.
- New Zealand AppStore Account: Can be purchased on a certain platform.
Methods for playing Pokemon Go in China:
- Download Pokemon Go China version installation package: Ensure it is from a safe source.
- Install Pokemon Go China version: Complete the download and installation process.
- VN modification tool: Pretend to be overseas to access the game normally.
The steps to play Pokemon Go in China:
- Purchase VN: Buy an Australian or New Zealand AppStore account.
- iPhone Settings: Go to Settings and switch to the Australian region.
- iCloud Login: Use the Australian region account to log in to iCloud.
- Download Pokemon Go: After VN modification, you can play in China!